what makes a successful travel vlog?

Travel vlogs are extremely popular because viewers see it as a form of entertainment and education in different places around the world. However the industry is very competitive so it can be difficult to stand out in the crowd. So, what makes a successful travel vlog?

The main factors that help you create a successful travel vlog includes:

  • Getting the right equipment
  • Not filming every detail 
  • Improve your editing skills 
  • Being consistent & setting an upload schedule 
  • Giving yourself time
  • Not making money your motivation
  • Being authentic & original

Keep reading to find out more about how long a travel vlog should be as well as what to include in a travel vlog. 

Top tips for creating a travel vlog

In 2024,  there are just under 2.5 billion active monthly YouTube users and the rise in popularity for travel vloggers is only growing further. With that being said, becoming a travel vlogger is also a lot more competitive than it was 10 years ago. Therefore, we have put together some of our top tips for creating an engaging travel vl

1. Get the right equipment

Before you can even start making a travel vlog you need to ensure that you get the right equipment for the job. Portability is the biggest factor that comes into play with travel vlogging because, when travelling, you don’t want to be dragging around excessive amounts of equipment. For example, if you are exploring Mont Blanc and snowboarding you need a camera that can fit into your jacket but still capture the amazing scenery. This is similar for a lot of travel vlog experiences. 

Typically with vlogging you film yourself a lot so it is important to choose a vlogging camera that has a front facing option. This makes it that little bit easier to capture footage of yourself and ensure you are in frame. 

Based on our experience, some of the cameras we would recommend includes:

  • One can start with their phones, using a good quality earphone for audio if needed.
  • GoPro’s 
  • Insta 360
  • Sony ZV-E10

For more information on the video equipment required for different types of video production take a read of our recent blog by clicking here. 

2. Go beyond cinematography:

Good audio quality often goes ignored by new travel vloggers. Your audience doesn’t just want to see the locations you’re going to but also hear them, and hear you too if you’re going to be hosting your vlog on location. Your camera’s mic often won’t make for a decent cut since they aren’t designed to function that way  so make sure you’ve also invested in a decent shotgun mic for your surroundings and a lapel mic for when you’re hosting.

Do make sure to capture the unique languages, music and soundscapes of the region to make your vlog more rich and sensorial. 

3. Don't film everything:

One mistake travel vloggers often make is to film everything they do or go to see. It is actually better to film fewer things you do but be more genuine with what you enjoy. Providing every detail may overwhelm a viewer and in some cases bore them. Whereas, if you savour some of the best moments and experiences on your travels, your true emotion will come through and viewers will pick up on that. 

Not only that, vlogging everything you come across can lead to a lot of footage meaning you will need more camera battery, more memory cards and a lot more time for editing footage. 


4. Improve editing skills:

It is also important to ensure you have sufficient video editing skills so that your videos provide a good experience. Viewers will instantly lose interest if they notice issues with video edits as there are plenty of other travel vlogs available that don’t have these issues. A good way of improving your video editing is to watch YouTube videos or by using video editing software. Popular choices include Adobe Premiere Pro, Movari, Final Cut Pro, and Lightworks.  

5. Be consistent & set an upload schedule:

As a travel vlogger, being consistent with the amount of videos you upload is integral if you want your videos to be seen. Ensuring that you produce interesting content regularly will help your channel to appear in user’s suggested videos. This is also why we recommend creating a travel vlog upload schedule. Using an upload schedule will keep you organised and accountable with uploads which in turn will help you get more views and potentially make more money further down the line. 

6. Give yourself time:

Becoming successful through your travel vlog can take time so it is important to be patient. Especially with how popular vlogging has become, it is a lot harder to be noticed compared to other vloggers who are already successful. Continuing to post travel vlogs of locations and activities you love on a regular basis should eventually lead to success, but don’t expect this overnight. 

7. Don't make money your motivation:

If you make money your main motivation for producing vlogs then you are likely to focus less on producing genuine and authentic content. You are also likely to lose motivation when you don’t see financial reward straight away which may limit the success of your YouTube channel. 

With that being said, if you are interested in learning how vlogging can earn you money we have got a useful blog that goes into more detail about this. Take a read of the blog here. 

8. Be authentic & original:

Probably the most important advice for creating a travel vlog is to be authentic and original. People are more likely to relate to you and enjoy your videos if they feel you are being your authentic self. What’s more, being original rather than following the crowd can make your content stand out in a very saturated market which could improve your chances of success. Not only that, if you are being yourself you will enjoy the content production more. 

For more information on why travel videos are so popular and the benefits of producing a travel vlog, read our informative blog by clicking here. 

What should I cover in my travel vlog?

When it comes to travel vlogging you can be as unique and as creative as you wish but there are some common things that viewers typically like to see. Some examples include:

  • Packing your essentials 
  • Showing your plan for the day
  • Where you go to eat 
  • Tourist sites 
  • Highlights of your day
  • Unique places you find
  • New people you meet 
  • Recommendations for people wanting to visit here 

By talking about these different topics in your travel blog you may find ways of incorporating different brand endorsements you have acquired. Whether it is self care products you use in the sun, travel companies you have used to book your trip or clothing you have worn, there is always a way to incorporate paid advertisements. 

To learn more about brand endorsements, click here to read our useful blog.


How long should a travel vlog be?

The length of your travel vlog can really depend on what your audience is looking for. When you are first starting out with travel vlogging it could be a good idea to look at the length of other travel vlogs out there to gauge an idea. Some vloggers do really short artistic travel vlogs that are 10-15 minutes long but then others do more of a day-in-the lifestyle vlog which can be around 30 mins long. 

Once you start gaining some viewers only from your vlogs, it could be a good opportunity to test out different styles and lengths of travel vlogs and monitor your engagement. Then you can really get to know what our audience wants from your channel. Some successful vloggers even ask their regular viewers to comment on their favourite lengths of vlogs. 


Travel videos with dot films

If you are wanting some support with your travel vlog or even editing travel video footage then Dot Films are here for you. We have years of experience in producing different styles of videos and take the time to understand each client’s style and preference. Contact us today to discuss how we can work together.



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